Pharmaceutical Industry
UV Technology in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Water Purity
UV technology is used in the pharmaceutical industry to provide the highest quality of water purity, through disinfection and deozonation. UV treatment has the capability to remove pathogens that are resistant to chlorine. It disrupts the DNA of microorganisms preventing further reproduction and effectively removes any contamination. This is crucial for process industries, such as pharmaceutical manufacturing. It provides superior results by effectively treating common impurities and does not have any detrimental effects on the quality of the product. Utilizing UV equipment allows manufacturers to ensure effective disinfection and deozonation to meet the standards of water purity in each process of the pharmaceutical industry.
UV disinfection and ozone destruction
Advanced UV delivers unparalleled performance in both UV disinfection and ozone destruction equipment. AUV-ST ultraviolet disinfection and ozone destruction equipment provide an efficient and chemical-free alternative to multiple applications that are sensitive to microbial contamination and oxidation by ozone. AUV-S, CS, C Series also eliminates contamination, while offering stronger UV intensity output and more efficient power consumption. Advanced UV products perform at high levels of quality, efficiency, and longevity to meet specific needs of process industries.
For additional information on our ST and S,CS, C Series, click here.